
Monday, February 3, 2020

san sebastian 2019

It's fitting that I finally got into a darkroom during some of the gloomiest weeks of my first Chicago winter. I haven't lately been feeling the pull of the outdoors - in fact, I have been lamenting the fact that the outside world has become merely a passing-place, all of my beloved nature reduced mostly to an atmosphere I endure as I travel from point A to B.

It's doubly fitting, then, that I had the nostalgic delight this week of developing a few rolls of film I shot last summer while spending time in one of my most favorite places in the world: San Sebastian, a small coastal city in Spain's Basque Country. It's a place that glows with the tradition of centuries of Spanish summers. I spent an afternoon (hungover, the day after I turned 19) there in 2015, when I was studying abroad in Spain. I returned to San Sebastian last summer for almost a week, hoping to expand upon my memories of that sun-baked half-day. It was everything I'd hoped for, and in developing these photos I was able to return to my memories of that time. For a while, I escaped the dreariness of winter.

Here's a few - there are more, but I'm savoring them by posting in batches.